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Proposed Redevelopment Site

Fight the Destruction of Kariong Bushland

What is the issue?

The Proposal

A planning proposal to rezone land to build a housing estate on an environmentally and culturally important site on Woy Woy Rd at Kariong, NSW.

The site is currently zoned C2 - Environmental Conservation - the highest protection outside of a National Park

The proposal is to re-zone this area to allow for a cut and fill style subdivision to make way for residential housing lots.

A test case to grease the way for environmental destruction

The property was Crown Land that has been claimed by the Darkinjung Local Aboriginal Land Council under the NSW Land Rights Act.

The state government have created new legislation to make it easier for Aboriginal Land Councils to 'unlock land'.

This means streamlining the process to claim, re-zone and develop land, that would have been off limits previously.

Instead of going through local council approval processes the Darkinjung development plan can be ticked off by the minister for Dept of Environment and Planning.

Currently this site on Woy Woy Rd is the pilot for this legislation

Once this re-zoning and 'development' is allowed to go ahead, it will open the flood gates for other destructive developments to go ahead all over the Central Coast and NSW.

If an Aboriginal Land Council own the land, shouldn't they be allowed to do what they want with it?

The Local Aboriginal Land Council membership is ~750. Many of these members, including the executive, are not Traditional Owners. DLALC DO NOT represent the Traditional Owners of the Central Coast; the GuriNgai, Darkinoong, and Awabakal peoples

There is no such thing as Darkinjung Country or Darkinjung people...there is only a Darkinjung Land Council...despite the massive propaganda drive to the contrary

The local Traditional Owners of this area, the GuriNgai, are appalled by this development proposal and want to save this land

We stand with the Traditional Owners.

Scan the QR code
to go to NSW Planning Portal
to view development proposal 

Portal is closed for public submissions however you can email your submission to
by 9th Feb 2024
Follow below prompts

Take Action Now!

STEP 1: Make a Submission! (closes 9/02/2024)

It is  urgent  that the community writes submissions, as there is strength in numbers.

Submit via email to

To use the template provided below:-

1) Click the Link

2) Copy the template

3) Personalise to make your own (very important)

4) Pop it in an email to

5) The environment and cultural spaces thank you

Submit via Post

Alternatively, if you do not have access to the internet etc, you can write a letter and post it in the mail

Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure

PO Box 1226 

Newcastle NSW 2300


Note: When posting please make sure your contact information (name/address/contact phone no.) is supplied and you include whether you wish your name to be withheld.

Date you letter before posting.

To use the template provided below:-

1) Click the Link

2) Copy the template

3) Personalise to make your own (very important)

4) Print and post

STEP 2: Write to SIX (6) Ministers:

1.  Write to The Hon. Paul Scully MP - Minister for Planning and Public Spaces

The Minister has the power to refuse approval for the Woy Woy Rd, Kariong planning proposal.

Submit a letter online

To use the template provided below:-

1) Click the Link

2) Copy the template

3) Personalise to make your own (very important)

Submit via Post

Alternatively, if you do not have access to the internet etc, you can write a letter and post it in the mail


To write by post:

The Hon. Paul Scully MP

Minister for Planning and Public Spaces

GPO Box 5341



Note: When posting please make sure your contact information (name/address/contact phone no.) is supplied and you include whether you wish your name to be withheld.

Date your letter before posting.

To use the template provided below:-

1) Click the Link
2) Copy the template
3) Personalise to make your own (very important)

4) Print and post

2.  Write to The Hon. Penny Sharpe, MLC - NSW Minister for Climate Change, Minister for the Environment

The land at Kariong is 

  • zoned Environmental Conservation (C2)

  • home to endangered flora and fauna, and wetlands

  • is an Area of Regional Koala Significance.

  • the precedent this rezoning will set is devastating for environmentally sensitive bushland all over NSW

Submit a letter online

To use the template provided below:-

1) Click the Link

2) Copy the template

3) Personalise to make your own (very important)

Submit via Post

Alternatively, if you do not have access to the internet etc, you can write a letter and post it in the mail


To write by post:

The Hon. Penny Sharpe, MLC

NSW Minister for Climate Change, Minister for the Environment

GPO Box 5341



Note: When posting please make sure your contact information (name/address/contact phone no.) is supplied and you include whether you wish your name to be withheld.

Date your letter before posting.

To use the template provided below:-

1) Click the Link
2) Copy the template
3) Personalise to make your own (very important)

4) Print and post

3.  Write to The Hon. David Harris, MP - Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Treaty and Minister for the Central Coast

David Harris is  Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Treaty and Minister for the Central Coast

He has the power to table a motion in parliament opposing the proposed development at Kariong.


David Harris also has the power to acknowledge local Traditional Custodians who are themselves vehemently opposed to this development proposal.

Use the 1-click template by clicking the link below.

Instructions for Personalising and Sending Your Email:

•⁠  ⁠Click the Link
•⁠  ⁠Personalise Your Message
•⁠  ⁠Add Your Name
•⁠  ⁠Make It Unique

Submit via Post

Alternatively, if you do not have access to the internet etc, you can write a letter and post it in the mail


To write by post:

The Hon. David Harris, MP

Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Treaty,

and Minister for the Central Coast

Shop 4

142 Pacific Highway



Note: When posting please make sure your contact information (name/address/contact phone no.) is supplied and you include whether you wish your name to be withheld.

Date your letter before posting.

To use the template provided below:-

1) Click the Link
2) Copy the template
3) Personalise to make your own (very important)

4) Print and post

4.  Write to Ms Liesl Dorothy TESCH, AM, BSc MP - Minister for Gosford

Liesl Tesch is the Minister for Gosford, which includes the suburb of Kariong.


Liesl could be a fantastic advocate for the environment and could table a motion in parliament opposing the propsed development at Kariong.


Liesl has previously expoused the environmental value of Kariong Sacred Lands in parliament and has said we need to "put caring for the land before dollars"


If the community showed Liesl how unpopular this proposed development is she may take a stand and speak up to protect Kariong once again.

Use the 1-click template by clicking the link below.

Instructions for Personalising and Sending Your Email:

•⁠  ⁠Click the Link
•⁠  ⁠Personalise Your Message
•⁠  ⁠Add Your Name
•⁠  ⁠Make It Unique

Submit via Post

Alternatively, if you do not have access to the internet etc, you can write a letter and post it in the mail


To write by post:

Ms Liesl Dorothy TESCH, AM, BSc MP

Minister for Gosford

20 Blackwall Road



Note: When posting please make sure your contact information (name/address/contact phone no.) is supplied and you include whether you wish your name to be withheld.

Date your letter before posting.

To use the template provided below:-

1) Click the Link
2) Copy the template
3) Personalise to make your own (very important)

4) Print and post

5.  Write to The Hon. Jihad Dib MP - Minister for Emergency Services

The land at Woy Woy Rd Kariong is a bushfire risk. It is unacceptable to build new housing estates in areas of high risk, and put RFS volunteers and Fire+Rescue employees lives at risk defending the properties.

Submit a letter online

To use the template provided below:-

1) Click the Link

2) Copy the template

3) Personalise to make your own (very important)

Submit via Post

Alternatively, if you do not have access to the internet etc, you can write a letter and post it in the mail


To write by post:

The Hon. Jihad Dib MP

Minister for Emergency Services

GPO Box 5341



Note: When posting please make sure your contact information (name/address/contact phone no.) is supplied and you include whether you wish your name to be withheld.

Date your letter before posting.

To use the template provided below:-

1) Click the Link
2) Copy the template
3) Personalise to make your own (very important)

4) Print and post

6.  Write to The Hon. Tanya Plibersek MP - Commonwealth Minister for the Environment and Water

The land at Kariong is 

  • zoned Environmental Conservation (C2)

  • home to endangered flora and fauna, and wetlands

  • is an Area of Regional Koala Significance.

  • the precedent this rezoning will set is devastating for environmentally sensitive bushland all over NSW

Use the 1-click template by clicking the link below.

Instructions for Personalising and Sending Your Email:

•⁠  ⁠Click the Link
•⁠  ⁠Personalise Your Message
•⁠  ⁠Add Your Name
•⁠  ⁠Make It Unique

Submit via Post

Alternatively, if you do not have access to the internet etc, you can write a letter and post it in the mail


To write by post:

The Hon. Tanya Plibersek MP

Commonwealth Minister for the Environment and Water

PO Box 6022

House of Representatives

Parliament House

Canberra ACT 2600


Note: When posting please make sure your contact information (name/address/contact phone no.) is supplied and you include whether you wish your name to be withheld.

Date your letter before posting.

To use the template provided below:-

1) Click the Link
2) Copy the template
3) Personalise to make your own (very important)

4) Print and post

Contact Us

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Or to keep up to date with our actions join us on Facebook

Save Kariong Sacred Lands


Coast Environmental Alliance (CEA)

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